Toothless woman strikes Fear into the hearts of the damned
and the dentists in the State of Tennessee
On December 28, 2001 I the
dentist ripped out my tooth. Now, mind you, I have had to have 'emergency'
dental care for a long time now. I haven't had insurance. Thus it was, going off to the damned dentist
on Friday afternoon that the bad news was handed down to me: "We have to
pull that tooth".
Do I think that losing a tooth is nothing? No,
absolutely not! I am traumatized. It means the beginning of the end of my
life and the caving in of my cheeks - cadaver-like. The functionality of the
other teeth in my mouth have been horribly affected, the sorrow in my heart
at the loss of the tooth itself. It was my tooth, I grew it. It has hung
around and managed to survive malnutrition, neglect and the grinding it had
to endure when my nerves were completely and chronically maladjusted.
This is how the dental plans work in the USA:
Coverage of about $1500 per year. That is barely one crown. I need 8 crowns.
That is approximately $8,000. As a temp - even a Temp of the Year - I don't
make much more than that. So, like so many thousands of other Americans, I
am stuck in this cycle of patchwork toothwork - always temporary and
unglamorous because the avaricious dentists make sure that they slurp up all
the insurance money after exactly two visits. You have cleaning and x-rays
and in fact all they do is tell your how much work you have to have done and
then ask what you want to have done next.

In fact, what I really want to say is:
'listen here! you tooth pulling vampire - what the hell are you doing
in a profession which most certainly involves caring for humanity when all
you want to do is milk the insurance companies for as much money as possible
and to hell with the patients who are suckers enough to believe the twaddle
you speak?'
Dentists - for professing to work on the
teeth-end of the alimentary canal - certainly seem to speak from the
opposite end when it comes to the lines they spin the patients. I can
understand why people sue the medical profession in all its forms - they
deserve it. They still get away with murder. In this case, my murdered