I have the knack of eliciting the very best in other humans as well
as the worst. The response to me has seldom been indifference. I have
studied with great curiosity the masses of the occupants of this planet
and far above all I believe those who have
'sold out' are the worst off of all.
I sense that they are somewhat threatened by me - probably because on
some primitive level they realize that I, as yet, have not sold out. I
think I have eliminated other reasons, the obvious being: I am not that
good looking that other women are threatened, nor rich that they envy me.
I am outspoken and have traveled a bit. I truly think it is that sense
that I am still very much alive.
All this leads me to horror story of the week in the next column.
are the islands of the Maldives. A place so beautiful (close to India on
the map) that words cannot effectively describe the experience. My dear
friend Liat took me with her and her mom two years ago.
Maldives are hauntingly
was chased by a baracuda while diving and it bit me on my flipper. No one
believed me until they saw the teeth marks.
if you were spaced out on some heavy stuff could you imagine the vast
underworld wall to wall with the most amazing fish in the world.
Maldivians have their own international plane which I believe is rather
busy during the tourist season.
stayed at Kuramati. The sea water comes within several feet of your hotel
room door. Sarongs are the given attire and suntanned tourists the
necessary evil.
life get me down, I drift back into my memories of this place.
think perhaps God kept the Maldives away from the world so we could have
an idea of how the world once was.
woeful tale of Cricket Communications and me

I have emigrated to this wonderful land in search of democracy, in love, liberty and the pursuit of good teeth. My migration papers are
about at the stage where I receive my 'green card'. However, at my new job
- I was recruited - some tough and lipless bimbette decided to make life difficult for me and with a gleam of malice in
her eyes announced:
'You have to leave now. Your papers are not in order'.
I had been enticed from a very secure position. I stood numbly
for a moment and then requested an explanation. None was forthcoming. I
rushed off to my immigration lawyer who became so incensed that she called
the company's head office and kicked up a 'shin-dig'. Result was: I was
called back to work for another day. The INS office told me to go to Memphis to try and
get some temporary something or another. I drove (in a very old car with
no air conditioning and close as damn-it-is-to-swearing- about-to-expire
tags) in over 100 degree heat all the way there only to be told
that I had been approved and I should wait for my papers to arrive. So who
knows what will happen tomorrow
when I go back to work. It's all a bit stressful.
However, there is a
plus side to this...
The reactions of others within the company have reassured me of one major
treasure: that the gold is still in the souls of some Americans and thus
have assisted in my quest to find this precious commodity.
My new boss has been fabulous and a hero standing up for me and
endeavoring to make the horror go away. My friend, Angela, has been warm
and supportive.
fired by the harridans of HR.

life swines fired me.
From a promising future straight into the pit o' hell they flung me. No
letter of apology, only glee and corporate greed. I put the evil eye on
them. They were indeed unjust and unfair and when I returned a month
later with the proof they had requested and along with their urgings
for me to reapply the cool, evasive message was 'sorry the position has
been frozen'. This I know to be a lie. |