My plans for the weekend
include a visit to The Farm. I have
intended to visit this place for forever and a day. A broken heart, a state
move, dire circumstances, lack of a reliable car, a stolen car and general
other nasties have effectively kept me away from this visit.
Thus it is, now that I have a real car which,
I might add, I pay 18% interest on the loan (due to lack of credit history),
I am finally in a position and state of mind (having realized that my lost
love was actually quite
after all) to go forth, "Explore! Adventure! See the World and do not join
the navy".
The Farm was apparently started some 30 years ago by a crowd of hippies
looking for an alternative lifestyle. It seems to have survived and they
host these odd and interesting workshops. If I had the bucks and the time I
would most definitely attend. However, I am a p'or white starvin' immigrant
from the middle of darkest Africa and have to bide my time. A quick visit
should begin the process. This weekend they're having a "How to Grow
Mushrooms" workshop.
I must say I am sort of expecting a
crowd of oddballs. Women with no make-up, men with no 'goolie'-disciplining
underwear, lots of crystals, twine, and expensive items for sale in the shop
and visitors center. Perhaps a bit of the 'us against them' mindset,
committee-type squabbling and some measure of heathen beliefs.
I do
not know and I shouldn't really start laying the groundwork for things. My
friend Lynne says that I over analyze everything, anyway. She is very cheeky. |
Enjoy your visit - and never, ever
daydream without the proper travel authorization in triplicate
and copies for your files |
A lot of
people think they own the planet and have no respect for life.
Nasty people with big bellies, big buckles, big trucks,
women with too-tight jeans had camped next door. Their horses had been ridden
hard and tethered with no water, no food and the sweat not brushed off their
flanks. We sneaked around in the dark giving them buckets of water. I
have decided I do not like most people - they suck big time. |
"This is the most unorthodox
website. Contains a bit of everything" -
Scoutt who speaks with a lisp.
scary" says Tweedledee of Tweedledum Publications!
Not Knowing What Else To Do, Woman saves the organic egg from extinction -
hailed as hero by local ant population |
Egg observations:
O Eggie, O Eggie, none better than the Eggie
From bum of chicken to plate of prince, peasant or me
personable, satisfying,
uncomplaining and nice to eat
Eggs grow leggs - eventually - and run off to greener pastures
How interesting is the Egg
eggrorian chants