workers are wailing as they are
dumped into the dark world of the unemployed. The privileged few are
managing to find jobs, whilst others pound the pavements knocking on
corporate doors and meeting blank faced, receptionists who serve as the
gateway to the world of the battery-house clones.
such company - against whom I have a personal gripe and feel somewhat
responsible for their demise - Bluestar Communications has been gobbled up
by some other competitive concern which promptly closed them down and fired
all the workers. I feel responsible because I felt ill-will towards them
when they would not acknowledge receipt of my resume`. Everything is always
so personal!
arc across the New Tech sky had every chance of great success.
Infrastructure, trained and motivated staff, financial backing and a great
business plan.
a sad thing to see hope die in anyone's eyes. It is especially sad when the
young, who truly believe they can change the workplace world, have to resign
themselves to their fates of anonymity and 'anal-ity'.

Send in the clones!