the winds of change
or asses?
Riding the wild wind, dancing among
tornados, exploring this vast land - as we shambled along at a
blistering one mile per hour...
Bone Magic
Since discovering the whereabouts of this young
and extremely intelligent French-Canadian I have managed to bully/nag five
Ramblin' Breeze
Wednesday morning blues
Travel Chat
The stresses islanders face consist greatly of
the danger of coconuts dropping on their heads, the odd monsoon and little else...
Learning To Spit
I mean, people like really 'gwel'
up revoltingly large goobles of gob of varying densities and hue.
deciding to sweep out the
debris of a very damaged
heart, she
East Fork, TN
...a place I highly recommend. I listened to a rather rough but
pleasant chap chirping about the other sites he'd been to. He was
a bit 'sozzled'...
Upon due consideration: one can very
easily conclude that humanity really sucks...
A SEVEN-year-old
lioness named Lea who spent the first years of her life in an
Italian zoo eating pasta...
Meadowlark Lodge
Smack dab in the the middle of the Nashville
surrounds is a secret
iExploreAmerica Services Page
look what we can do for

House of straw
TN State Fair
The Meadows
or asses?
University of horrors
Merit Badge
Peg leg
Liver Spot
Hire me, I'm good
Warm & Fuzzy
Of Fish & Fillet...
who says mermaids have to be so big?
I lived here
Nazis of Nashville
pulling vampires...'
Grief Brief
'don't die in the tub today', she said aloud to her weeping self...
Naturally, I disagree...

Coffee Conversation

my daughter
Let's face it, the comments and nose-turnings by my fellow artists have occurred. I have had the pish-tash's directed towards all things equestrian video-wise. But there is a reason why I am so passionate about taping horses...
Originally, my expose' to equestrian videography was born out of the economic necessity of my starving immigrant status.
I have been involved in the TV business for a good chunk of my adult life.
I have done lots of exciting things, flown in helicopters, climbed remote mountains in Africa, gone great white shark spotting at the crack of dawn in a small boat, interviewed garden gnomes, videotaped a skydiver take a 'bounce' (fortunately he did not die), looked down a hole in a mountain plateau called Chingwe's Hole, seen human bones in caves of former cannibals, seen ships in the desert, seen the first 'known and living' coelecanth, met the famous, infamous, even the odd king here and there, killers and presidents (there is sometimes not much difference), seen a giant and ancient tree fall in a prehistoric forest, battled deadly snakes, been chased by a nasty ass spider with visible teeth and I have held huge, uncut diamonds so beautiful they sang to my woman-soul. These are some of the memories that come to mind right now.
One of these days I shall write my life story. It is in two parts - Africa and America. What an adventure! Africa was the adventure of doing, going, being, exploring, nature, passions, events, history, terrors, rewards, joy, youth and sunshine. America has thus far been a different kind of adventure. The aloneness has been a seeking for nirvanha, the Shangri-La, the sword of Damocles - the saga has been within. It has been an adventure of self-discovery, anhilation of perceptions of Who the"bleep" am I? Finding nuggets of solid gold within and ditches full of despair to be emptied. I will continue onward for destiny is chirping loudly now.
Of all these things I have experienced and/or filmed, nothing has ever involved all of me as much as video taping horses. There is an unfathomable connection between me, the camera and the horse. Their ethereal spirits seem to have me spellbound.
At times, there is more magic than others. When a horse is relatively undamaged by cruel and greedy trainers and has not yet had his/her spirit broken and I can 'find' the creature through my lens - for a few minutes and my being is somehow lifted.
It's not as though this profession choice pays well. It most certainly does not. The hours can also be very long and frequently surrounded by pompous and not so nice people. But that thrill of those moments when you, your camera and horse are one - in such perfect unity. There is no 'objective', behind the lens non- experience. It is synchronicity at its best.
I have discovered, in America, a different kind of adrenaline high.
I wouldn't change it for the world.


The Last Elephant
of the
Knysna Forest
of South Africa...
AN elephant
NAMED 'Hapoor'
Something nasty this way
Severe and sudden necessity will cause acute change. Such changes
will probably cause deep regret down the line of time...

is to have a decent jar of
beluga caviar someday soon
Caviar is the only way to
declares fabulous foreigner
Why should fiscal challenges inhibit the
quality of life?
List Of Links for
Women have
to try and save the what's left of the world - go and give it a try!
My Boy
he cuts a handsome figure and has such youthful optimism you
cannot help but love him. A true California boy, blonde hair, blue
eyes and the whitest teeth...
Baby Boomer Ages
but still with style
still, more often than not, I bounce through the day reminding
myself to age gracefully and secretly plan my future plastic

I have a new
I have finally gotten back into video production... benn shooting video depositions, music videos, horse shows and all sorts of other such fun stuff. I am no longer a Kelly Girl! Bless 'em! they kept me alive for three years:
Number 1: It is , of course, about a jar of
Beluga Caviar which arrives and changes closed-minded
people's lives in a small hick town.
