On this day of July 7th, 2000, I received a job offer. It's quite traumatic
and exciting at the same time. It's not for too much more money - only
little over a dollar more per hour but, as they say, it's better than being smacked
with a wet fish. At least on this job I'll be doing something different. I'll be
an inventory specialist - which truly translated means I'll be a warehouse
worker. Do I know what I'll be wearing? No, but I am pretty sure that
whatever I wear it will not be glamorous. There is no air conditioning in the
warehouse. Today the heat was well into the nineties. I was shaking when I drove
to my apartment. I think it was the heat. I thought I was going to faint.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
At least this way, I have the opportunity to get a bit of money in a
retirement plan. Even though I am here in the middle of my life, in a new
country I will continue to adapt and experience this wonderful America. As
we said before, we are here to find the gold in the American soul and with the
delight of a child cherish the traces of America's past. I shall continue with
my adventures
An odd thing happened with this hiring episode.
This will require explanation. I'll sum up by saying that wherever I
go, strange things happen. Too many to mention but in a nutshell, I can sink
canoes just by sitting in them (no, I am not fat), streetlights explode,
wars break out when I do business with those countries, movie cameras experience
electronic hiccups, brand new cell phones don't work (three in a row), a pager
refused to work, dud batteries, bombs go off in restaurants I frequent, etc.
Which brings me to the most recent episode: the human resources lady told me
today after I signed the acceptance letter (which had to be remedied due to
unusual typo errors) that when she was printing all the resume's she had
received that day my resume' refused to be printed so she gave up. At the end of
the day she was printing Excel documents on the back of 7 or 8 pages my
resume' was printed. This naturally is an impossibility but I wasn't too
surprised when I heard this oddity.
Oh, I said shrugging my shoulders, it doesn't surprise me. She raised her
eyebrows and no more was said.
So tomorrow I tell my current employer that I am leaving. It's a hard one. I
become kind of fond of the people I work with - unless of course they happen to
be sick and twisted perverts.
But off I go again on my new adventure.