
an unorthodox journey


Paintin' the barn in Nashville,Tennessee

Perfect, perfect weather.  We ended up experiencing another peculiarly Northern Hemisphere habit. That, of constantly doing projects in and around the dwelling.

We painted a brand new barn a rusty red with white trim that is so synonymous with America. It looked beautiful, with the trees forming a murmuring backdrop of sound.

I swear I could hear the ghost of Jim Reeves singing on the breeze.

As I report on the barn painting of today, my hands still have splashes of red and white paint. Perhaps the perfection of this experience will give you, the virtual traveler, a little glimmer into yet another part of the wealth of this beautiful America.

Extremely satisfying day's labor - along with ample Canadian whiskey and pizza, from Worsham's Market which is along an extremely picturesque road.

Jim Reeves was a country singer of the old school. His melodies formed part of the threads of my childhood development. There in middle of Zambia, living in a wild African environment, my mother would put on a Jim Reeves record. 

Perhaps that was where the first spark of yearning was ignited in me to explore this interesting land.

His house is on Gallatin Road in Inglewood - just before Briley Parkway as you travel North.  I am sorry to see that his home is on the market.  It will probably be bought by some nasty awful business and they'll tear down  that beautiful place.

If I had the loot I would buy it.


It's so pretty, but people drive too fast and recklessly on this winding road. I saw an injured deer there the other evening. It's head and ears formed a silhouette of disturbing innocence. A sense of unease, of dreadful guilt at how we have slashed the rhythm of life with our so-called 'rights' over the planet. I called the police department and they said that it had already been called in. 

Keep on your journey, Friend. Dreams change. Find joy in something.