I feel it
coursing through my veins. Adventure! Calling my name as it has so many
times before. From the time I was a little child I have experienced this
strange longing - not traditionally deemed acceptable for a woman - to go,
to experience, to adventure, to be.
the longing is so strong that it takes all my willpower (or rather,
won't-power) to stay put and return to my important place in
corporate America.
It's the
feeling of wanting to bolt for freedom. The voices of 'reason',
responsibility, pay-off-the-car an' all just don't bother me much. And why
should they? - they're wood chip in the walls of a paper thin world. Life is
for the living, not following the Leader of the Lemmings.
Enjoy your visit - and never, ever
daydream without the proper travel authorization in triplicate
and copies for your files |
Is our staff member radical or
what? When the kids were trick or treating last night she refused to give the
fat ones any candy and instead scared them off wearing her leopard pajamas and
a bam-bam hairdo. |
"This is the most unorthodox
website. Contains a bit of everything"
Brother Non de Scripto
scary" says Tweedledee of Tweedledum Publications!
Not Knowing What Else To Do, Woman saves the organic egg from extinction -
hailed as hero by local ant population |
changes in America and what to watch for
By now we all know that an age
has passed in America. 9-11 made sure of that. Change is inevitable
and has begun. Our Hectic Herald Philosophy department has a synopsis of a
theory on that.
hectic hypothesis
psssst! BatBoy has joined the US Marines |