
an unorthodox journey


State of utter bewilderment

I believe I am in a spot of trouble. The full realization of how alone I am has dawned on me.

Since my job ended, my former employer appears to have underpaid me by a significant amount of money. I am no spring chicken. My looks have aged. My dog is dead. I have no resources, no prospects for the future. No family in America. My back tooth has broken. I cannot afford next month's rent.  I have relied too much on friends for emotional sustenance. I feel like a mother who has had her entire family taken from her.

I have two cats and an apartment full of furniture and an old car which needs to be disposed of.. I am alone and afraid. I will have about $500.00 with which to begin a new life.  I do not think I could even travel across the country with that. It is a long way to California from Tennessee.

I wonder what I should do.

I am most definitely unloved and without self confidence.

My creative abilities have no more use in this world and I cannot seem to get any employment.

I am at a loss in every way possible.

  What I would love to have:
  • a place to call home
  • a satisfying job
  • my family returned to me
  • my friends close by
  • a dental plan
  • my own organic garden
  • a big smile

 It is almost 2 a.m. and I feel a sense of comfort nestling inside. As if something good is going to happen. What a life of extremes I lead. I wonder a lot about 'other people'. Do they have a secret knowledge about how to get by without anything affecting them too much? Where do I find this mysterious ingredient?

Why have I had such a hard time recovering from the death of my relationship?


Keep on your journey, Friend. Dreams change. Find joy in something.